august(e)k dio:
actually, I think if the is in the same directory where you start python, then you want to try something like this: pdexc = os.path.join(execdir, "./")
^ | | -> notice the "./"
hi august
i tried and it doesnt seem to make any difference. Looks like Python doesnt like something about PD.
sorry, I wrote that email early in the morning. the only reason for doing the "./" would be trying to spawn a process from the same directory as where you ran python. but, int he mean time, I see in the code that you have set up the paths properly.
However, I was farting around with subprocesses in python yesterday (for another reason). I can start another app without any probs using os.system( ). I had some problems with os.spawnl() calls. I also tried using python's subprocess wrapper, Popen() -> but, that just calls execl(), or spawnl() or system() as it sees fit. Today, I will try to run os.system() in a thread and see if I can get decent behavior. The app I am trying to run is mplayer.
I tried.os.system() and it does open Pd properly but python waits until PD is finished to keep running. I need both Python and PD to work concurrently. Same for os.execl()
This is as far as i got. I use
execdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) launcher = os.path.join(execdir, "launcher") os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, launcher, '')
to run a shell script like this: #!/bin/sh ~/Desktop/ -nogui ~/Desktop/
this is pretty close to what i if not because of the startup flags not working. I tried to use os.spawnl to open other apps and it doesnt work either. Maybe the process is somehow under control of Python and doesnt like it? Bob in the apple python list suggested to use Python 2.4's LaunchServices module, but i am running 2.3, or pyObjC but i would like to find a crossplatform solution.
i keep seearching ...