as a long list of various versions and tests with only some number and date in a small font / embedded in the file name to differentiate them could be very confusing.
I can totally see that. Particularly, when you search for an object and the query matches several libraries, you might get a massive list of results that can indeed be overwhelming.
I think the actual problem is that all the data has to be displayed in a single list.
A much better approach would be to only show the library names in a first column, with the actual versions (and possibly more information) in a second colum, a bit like in a file browser.
Here's a very beautiful mock-up:
On 28.11.2021 16:17, Dan Wilcox wrote:
My 2 cents:
From a beginners perspective, limiting to the latest (stable) release makes sense as a long list of various versions and tests with only some number and date in a small font / embedded in the file name to differentiate them could be very confusing. Perhaps there is a good middle ground where the option can be enabled by default but the latest, say 2-3 releases are listed with "stable" and "test" better marked? Or perhaps this is the new default behavior and the checkbox is reversed as in it becomes "Show all versions of a library"?
Don't forget that just because you get used to something, doesn't mean that's the best approach or that's the way it has to stay. I recall a few people on this list making that point about certain aspects of the GUI... :)
On Nov 28, 2021, at 4:05 PM, wrote:
Message: 1 Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 16:05:50 +0100 From: Christof Ressi To: Pd-List Subject: Re: [PD] Pd 0.52 test 2 is out Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
I think this kind of unwarned change can be really confusing, see my case here :) it's a cool option, but maybe not checked by default?
I also think that the option should be off by default. For example, let's say there is a stable "vstplugin~-0.5.2" package on Deken. Now, if I upload "vstplugin~-0.6-test" Deken would only show that and would hide the stable release...
Or should we rather stop uploading test releases to Deken?
Dan Wilcox @danomatika