On 23.02.2013 17:04, Thomas Mayer wrote:
version 0.11 of PuREST JSON is released. Codename: Long string is long.
PuREST JSON is a library for working with RESTful HTTP webservices, and JSON data.
several people have contacted me, because they wanted to use the graph API of Facebook with PuREST JSON. Unfortunately, Facebook uses OAuth 2.0, and liboauth (and therefore PuREST JSON) only supports OAuth 1.1 - and even this not completely as signing requests with RSA-SHA1 keys is not implemented yet.
I am willing to switch the backend library for OAuth, but I have not found one that implements version 2.0, and I am not willing to implement this version all by myself, as the specs are ... let's say very enterprisy (http://hueniverse.com/2012/07/oauth-2-0-and-the-road-to-hell/).
So, either liboauth will support OAuth 2.0 sometime in the future, or another library emerges that will support version 2.0 (is there something available?). Until then, unfortunately only the Facebook API will work with PuREST JSON: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/
Thank you, Thomas