joystick interface, but that shouldn't make a visible difference.
that's what I based it on....)
believe makes Pd respond whenever there is joystick event data. [joystick] uses a clock_delay, which polls, then waits for a certain length of time (5 ms by default, but configurable) I could be wrong about addpollfn. Its in m_imp.h rather than m_pd.h, so it may not be the best way to go...
I am now working on the same objects but written using libSDL, so this one should work on Win, Linux, MacOS 9/X, BSD, etc. I renamed the original [raw...] objects to [linux...] ([linuxjoystick, for example) since they are linux specific.
On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, vanDongen-Gilcher wrote:
How is rawjoystick different from joystick?
Also, I just finished up the first version of a couple of objects based on the Linux event system. The objects are called [rawmouse], [rawjoystick], and [rawevent]. They give you the raw data from the input device rather than from the GUI, like [MouseState].