Loic Kessous wrote:
I didn't found an equivalent to max external "selector~" , I made this ugly abstraction for 3 inputs but I wonder if there is something more standard and that can accept argument to set the number of inputs.
is there one?
I used 'mixer~' which is ggee to do it, so there maybe some way to do this with some scripting... or just by making a new external by code...
let me know, so I may think about making one if necessary.
hmm, i still don't know what [selector~] is supposed to do. i guess it is something like zexy's [demux~] (forwarding a selected inlet~ to the outlet~)
the problem with scripting is, that you cannot dynamically create iolets (at least not in a way that you can re-use them); you need an external for these kind of things (unless miller finally includes [initbang] :-))
mfgasd.r IOhannes