chris clepper wrote:
On Jul 26, 2004, at 10:47 PM, Mirko Petrovich wrote:
Hi all,
I'm a Linux user an I'm very happy with pd performance in my desktop (PIII 800MHz). Yesterday I tried pd 0.37-1 from Miller's site in a Powerbook G4 (1GHz). I compared the cpu usage with patch 08.convobros.pd and I saw a big difference. In the Linux system it uses about 0.1% and in the G4 about 20%. Why this big difference ?
I just looked at the patch and profiled it. My 1Ghz laptop used about 13% CPU as measured by top. The 0.1% number looks pretty bogus to me as the P3 is hardly a floating point monster and roughly equivalent to a PPC 7450 clock for clock.
Ok, I did another test. I put 450 [osc~ 1000] and P3 used about 90% CPU. In the G4 I put 400 [osc~ 1000] and top showed 0% !!?? I remember seeing the same behaviour in a desktop G4 400MHz with Max/MSP in OS9.
I have noted discrepancies between top and the real-world on x86 chips in the past (tasks that obviously take lots of time to complete show up as near zero CPU load).
If you don't trust in top numbers I can tell you I can run big patches like Pluton or Jupiter extremely well.Anyway, there's one thing I don't understand, why a 266Mhz G3 using Linux shows the same CPU usage than a 1GHz G4 using OSX ?
quoting cr:
convobros uses 12-15% cpu on 262mhz g3 , debian, gcc 3.3.3 -funroll-loops.