The issue of mtx_* not creating on PdX and how to solve has come up on this list several times now so you might check the archives. Yes mtx_* is an abbreviation for mtx_mul. pix_blobtracker works well for me in PdX --- just used it on a project last week. IOhannes mentioned it on the list just a few months ago as a way to track blobs so I think it's as current/good as any ready-made solution for this that I know of. I had to do the same fiddling as you to get it to go.
On 04/11/2011 02:28 AM, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
In Pd Extended, pix_blobtracker doesn't work because it contains objects from the iemmatrix library which is not included at startup. I guess I can fix that by manually loading those directories, but pix_blobtracker also uses a [mtx_*] object that doesn't seem to exist in the iemmatrix library.
Is mtx_* somewhere else? Or has it been replaced by mtx_mul?
Is pix_blobtracker the recommended way to track multiple blobs or has it been superseded by some other abstraction or object?
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