2016-04-05 12:11 GMT-03:00 Martin Peach chakekatzil@gmail.com:
You're lucky that OSX accepts filenames like ==~.pd_darwin. Will it also accept *~.pd_darwin? Or <~.pd_darwin?
Yeah Martin, I can name the .pd_darwin objects to almost whatever, I've been testing here and the only problem so far is a file containing ":" or starting with a "." - but even something like ¿~.pd_darwin is fine :)
What OS are you on? And what is the deal there?
And, like I've been saying, I downloaded *zexy-v0-0extended-(Darwin-i386-32)(Darwin-PowerPC-32)(Darwin-x86_64-32)-externals.tar*
it has compiled objects as <~.pd_darwin but also 0x3c0x7e.pd_darwin
not sure how that is for another OS, can you tell me what happens in yours?
Anyway, I got my cues from the code in zexy to compile a ==~ object and I'm pretty sure it will work for other things like <~ and whatever here on Mac Os, but I haven't tried another yet (will do soon).