Hi Simone,
I'm guessing that the slider which is attached to the [ctlin] in the parent patch sends to [handson] abstraction. In the future, it's usually better to zip up the whole patch that you have questions about, rather than send a screen shot with potentially hidden information.
But to answer your question: there's no real need to make two levels of abstractions here. Replace the two inlets in [handson] with [f $1] and [f $2] connected to a loadbang. And replace the slider with [ctlin $3 $4].
Then you can replace [handson1 -11 0] with [handson -11 0 80 1]. The CC you mention is actually two values, as in [ctlin 80 1] that must be parsed before the actual controller data will come through.
The other way to do it would be to make a [send CC1], [send CC2], etc etc below the [ctlin] objects, and include a [receive $1] in each [handson] abstraction, in which case you could create it as [handson -11 0 CC1].
Of course, the other suggestions in this thread are also useful, but in a more general way ;-)
best! d.
simone-www.io-sound.org wrote:
hi this is my first patch so bear with my n00bness I ve taken a screen shot of the whole thing open: it s a GEM patch that will show 8 "knobs" and rotate them depending on the MIDI cc input. and also show the cc value. So far i ve created the 8 knobs but i can t really understand how to send the MIDI cc from "handson2" to the abstraction "handson" and parse it to the right knob. Thanks Simone