I've got a couple of granular objects which I could email to you if you like. They're Linux only at the moment, if that's any good. They allow you to adjust the no. of granular streams, grain duration, 'randomisation' etc as they're graining away.
Nicolas Leveille wrote:
Hi all,
I'm just in the process of discovering/learning the PD programming language, so please forgive errors from my part..
I'm trying to build a granular synthesis instrument solely in a P_D_ patch .. The grain generator is supposed to be of the quasisynchronous grain generator type:
in short, the current system is something like: (pseudo code)
signal part envelope part
bang .. variable/random rate here (= grain density)
_ ._ _ |osc~| | metro | : : : initiate reading from an envelope table : with a specified grain duration : . : . : : subsequent tablereads~ at the given rate. : ... : ... _ _.. | * |
(for anyone interested, the env is a gaussian)
so my problem is that I can't generate (and mix) overlapping grains that way, because I can have only one 'envelope reader' instance.
Is this a limitation of the language, is my approach naïve, are there any way to do what i would like to do or should i code an external object to do the job?