Hi hc
Thanks for all your work on these releases. Do you sleep?
Just tried out RC6. Is OSC missing from the package? I can't find
any notes on the subject.
Also, pool seems to be killing Pd. This happens with RC5 also - not
sure about 3 or 4.
This is OS 10.4.3
cheers dafydd
On 20-Dec-05, at 1:41 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
This is a big Windows release, and a bugfix release for GNU/Linux
and Mac OS X.What's new:
- The Windows release is now compiled with MinGW and has all of the
same patches to the core as the other two.
- Preliminary international character support. It seems to work
fine in comments, not yet in objects and messages.
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publicity. - Bill Moyers
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