Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On May 25, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
There also is a PWM in the docs, which doesn't need any externals:
I should mention then that these objects are written in Pd, and only
rely on some purepd objects, which are also written in Pd.
Except one external from zexy. ;)
Unfortunately, this patch is missing from CVS, so it doesn't make it
into Pd-extended. But in any case, this is the PWM knowledge wrapped
up into a easy to use form.
Sorry, I think it's called 3.audio.examples/J03.pulse.width.mod.pd now, but for years it was called 3.audio.examples/22.pulse.width.mod.pd and for some time 3.audio.examples/E05.pulse.width.mod.pd as well. ;)
It's just substracting two [phasor~]'s with slightly different frequencies, which is equivalent to PWM.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__