can anyone recomend a good VST plugin to send audio data through a local network, with good audio quality and low latency? Something that could be used with PD/Max-MSP (or basically any program who uses VSTs) in both XP and OSX, for an improvising laptop trio connected through a local network (router, not internet).
I was looking at tubePlug - http://t-u-b-e.de/iplug.htm -, but there seems to be a standard 1sec (!) latency, even when opening both server and sender in the same computer. But besides that, this plug-in seems to have potencial. After contacting the author, he seemed interested in adding a variable latency parameter, but who knows when it will be implemented.
Has anyone also had experience with an mp3/ogg webcaster for the same
effects? Is the latency short when the audio quality is good? (the music
has lots of noise, so anything below 320Kb isn't acceptable)
João Miguel Pais