Dear all,
I'd like to execute a matlab file using the shell object. The standard command I use ist /usr/local/matlab7/bin/./matlab -nodisplay -nosplah.
Sending such a message to the shell object - I only get the info that the program starts on the pd-shell: STDOUT: < M A T L A B > STDOUT: Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks STDOUT: Inc. STDOUT: Version (R14) STDOUT: May 6 STDOUT: 2004 STDOUT: Warning: Duplicate directory name: /home/gerda/matlab. STDOUT: To get started STDOUT: type one of these: helpwin STDOUT: helpdesk STDOUT: or demo. STDOUT: For product information STDOUT: visit STDOUT: >> DONE: 0
but there is no chance, to send it more options (change dir, set a paramater). So nothing.
Has someone done this already? (I know there is pdoctave, but octave is too slow). Or do iI treat the shell object in a wrong way? Or is it simply not possible? (I'd like to recalculate a matrix in matlab and then write a *.mtx file back to my pddirectory, in order to use it wth the iematrix objects). Or do I give matlab the wrong commands?
Help would be great! Thanks, Gerda