"It might be easier to just run the fluidsynth command line binary and
talk to it over a virtual loopback midi connection which is very easy to set up with qjacktl or similar tools on Linux. Then you wouldn't need Csound or csoundapi at all."
Looking at that source code, found references to 'fluidsynth.h' which led me to fluidsynth.sourceforge.net/api/ [towards writing an extension directly if the old code doesn't work out(?) (Arrgh, 'flext' next!)] Midi isn't the only way to use it...
related idle(?) question:
How much overhead is there from using the [csoundapi~], anyway? & does it connect to the system only through pd [as it does, & should do for audio], or can it send/receive directly to other programs, ports etc? (ie for example: python interpretor?)
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 2:16 PM, puredata@11h11.com wrote:
Hi Frank,
It's still compiling / running on my setup. Thank you for this.
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