hi, Thanks for telling me how to include the iem_adaptfilt library in PD. It works but some strange things are happening now, for instance some of the objects can not be created. e.g. unsig~ FIR~ IR Z~
If somebody using this objects in their files, kindly tell me whether those are part of iem_adaptfilt or I need to load some other library for these? Secondly I can not run examples of adaptive library as some of the objects can not be created such as lms~ This behavior is really strange for me. Please help me out!
regards, tania
On 5/17/07, tania habib taniahabib@gmail.com wrote:
I have started working with PD few weeks ago and I find it very useful for my work, but I am facing some problems in trying to load some libraries into PD. I want to add the Adaptive Filter library written by Markus Noisternig and Thomas Musil. I am working on Mac osx. Please help me out with this problem
regards, tania