Frank Barknecht wrote:
Acutally except for numeric symbols and for the "whitespace symbols" [keyname] sometime generates one doesn't meet "strange symbols" a lot in real life, so it's not a real issue in practice.
One doesn't meet those strange symbols in real life, and it's because those symbols are a real issue in practice, so, people avoid them carefully.
The reason you call those symbols strange, is because of the way that pd handles them; it's not because of their own characteristics.
I agree with Mathieu.
Maybe one doesn't meet (or even need) those symbols *a lot*, but that would only imply that is not a *big* issue, not that it is not a *real* one.
Also, it should be up to the programmer/user (I mean the PD user) to choose whether s/he needs or not to use them.
If there are things that PD can load from a patch but cannot save, I think that is an issue that should be corrected.
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