Hallo, Phil Stone hat gesagt: // Phil Stone wrote:
In a number2 atom, when a label ending with '%' (or '%_', as well) is used, right-clicking on the number2 box and selecting "Properties" will cause PD to crash.
I filed a bug report:
This is happening on Pd version 0.40.3-extended-20080724, and also on 0.40.3-extended-20080603, though it may go back much further. I don't have any older versions handy to test.
Pd 0.41 doesn't crash, but produces this instead of opening the Properties dialog:
wrong # args: should be "pdtk_iemgui_dialog id mainheader dim_header wdt min_wdt wdt_label hgt min_hgt hgt_label rng_header min_rng min_rng_label max_rng max_rng_label rng_sched lin0_log1 lilo0_label lilo1_label loadbang steady num_label num snd rcv gui_name gn_dx gn_dy gn_f gn_fs bcol fcol lcol"
vslider acts the same but interestingly hslider is not affected!
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__