Hello people,
I'm trying to build a patch with which I can locate a sound source with microphones (right now using the Playstation Move Camera with the build in 4 channel microphone array). So far I found out that there are 3 ways to locate sound sources (correct me if I'm wrong):
Basically you check the "loudness" of the sound with at least two different microphones in a microphone array. By doing this the microphone which is further away to the sound source gives a signal which is more quiet, so you can roughly determine the location. Problems:
You get the direction of the sound by delaying the array signals and summing them up, thus creating a direction response of the array. How the exact process works and why is a mystery to me so far.
You calculate the delayed time of the amplitudes peaks and get the result in milliseconds. By this you can determine which microphone is closer to the sound source
Attached is a small patch where I tried out the energy based method with the "bonk" utility, the results I get with that are quite sloppy
Anybody there who already tried something with locating sound in pd? Or got any good advice?
Thanks in advance,