I have hacked together a GTK+ based gui for pd - here is a screenshot:
Please don't get too excited by the fact that the objects have a white background while the canvas background is grey - I just did that as an experiment (and of course took a screenshot of one of the few patches that it worked well with it :)). The gui is in a workable state (a few of you saw it at the PD users group meeting at ICMC) but has a little way to go before it is really ready to be used instead of the Tcl/TK gui. I am announcing this now because I don't have much time to work on it at the moment and I thought someone might be interested in hacking on it a little. Here is the download (http only):
If anyone actually wants to do some work on this let me know - I have a cvs repository that I can give you some access to. Also, if anyone wants to just try and use this send a note to the list and I will give you some compilation instructions. One good thing is that it doesn't require changes to pd so it can be used interchangeably with the current pd-gui.