Hallo, ssC _ hat gesagt: // ssC _ wrote:
i am quite new to PD...this is my first post to the pd-list.
question for anyone who knows CSound as well as PD:
i am wondering if someone could explain the equivalent in PD to the f-tables and GEN subroutines in CSound. from what i understand, an f-table is an array of floating point values generated by the various GEN routines and then subsequently accessed by a variety of opcodes in the .orc file.
f-tables are just "table" or "array" objects in Pd. You get a whole bunch of tabwrite, tabread and so on opcodes in Pd, as well.
The only gen-routine, that is built into Pd is called "(co)sinesum". See the example in doc/2.control.examples/15.array.pd
For more of the classic Gen-functions you need to look into external collections. PeRColate has several of them, and I think, vasp as well.
It also might be a good exercise to try to recreate them as pure abstractions. ;)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__