Some patches may open outside of your screen bounds if the screen they were made on is bigger then the one your opening on. If it is the same machine I have had a issue with this before. Opening the PD patch in a text editor showed it was empty. :( I could not figure out what happened, but somehow when saving PD deleted the whole patch.
Don't forget to back up!
If it is not the two above issues I then have no idea.
ggkarman@musicologia.com wrote:
Hi friends, Suddenly i can't open a whole set of patches that ive been working on. The problem is with a series of versions of the same patch (main1,main2,...main26), i can open other stuff without a problem. Ive tried -noloadbang -noaudio -nomidi, and selectively loading externals or not loading any at all. I have tried on other pd version i have installed, both on 2 different w$ installations on the same machine. The funny thing is i dont remeber doing anything that could cause this after the last time i could open them. ¿Any ideas how to debug this? g
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