yes, this is something we always bumped into with OSX, it seems a new loaded library can't get access to symbols fom former loaded library.
that's why pdp and pidip have been bundled together.
any OSX guru, what are we doing wrong?
cheers, sevy
james tittle wrote:
hey guys,
...I've been poking around in the image conversion code, and have added the ability to select a colorspace for converting the pdp data to give to gem (most importantly, a straight yv12 to uyuv, with altivec!) it's compiling and linking, but pd doesn't like to load it :-/ seems like this has been covered before, but I couldn't find it in my mailbox's...'s my compile/link:
g++ -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -Wall -W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -Wno-long-double -DGEM2PDP_VERSION="0.5" -g -I../../pd-0.38-0test10/src -I. -I../../pdp-0.12.4/include -I../../Gem/src -I/sw/include -o pdp2gem.o -c pdp2gem.cpp
gcc -bundle -bundle_loader ../../pd-0.38-0test10/bin/pd -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -o pdp2gem.pd_darwin pdp2gem.o -lm -lstdc++
...and here's the pd output when loading it:
dyld: /Users/tigital/puredataDev/pd-0.38-0test10/bin/pd Undefined symbols: __ZN11imageStruct5clearEv __ZN7GemBase11setModifiedEv __ZN7GemBase17obj_setupCallbackEP6_class __ZN7GemBase17realStopRenderingEv __ZN7GemBaseC2Ev __ZN7GemBaseD2Ev __ZN9CPPExtern16setCPPObjectNameEPc __ZN9CPPExtern8m_holderE __ZnwmPvS_ _pdp_packet_copy_ro_or_drop _pdp_packet_data _pdp_packet_header _pdp_packet_mark_unused Program received signal: "SIGTRAP". (gdb)
...and yes, I do have Gem and pdp loading before pdp2gem...any ideas?
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