I just want to say that i am very happy tu use [shell] in my patch.
It is very useful to execute a PHP script for exemple.
Le 28 janv. 09 à 21:49, Andy Farnell a écrit :
Both Lua and Python are great suggestions. But avoid the issue of fixing [shell]. It has been problematic for a long time and this is another opportunity to discover how to fix it, or deprecate/remove it altogether.
I think there's something to be said for all Pd distros _not_ including [shell] for obvious reasons. If users want to open that door it should be an informed decision. That would happen if they could only use PyExt and PdLua. [shell] is very buggy, has it's day finally come to be fixed or dropped?
On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:50:32 -0500 patrick puredata@11h11.com wrote:
another solution is with pyext. in pdmtl abstractions it's under linux.process.pd (but i think it
should work on windows and mac (not tested)).import sys, os, time, signal, subprocess try: import pyext except: print "ERROR: This script must be loaded by the PD pyext
external" sys.exit()class sub(pyext._class): """A simple script to start and stop process"""
# number of inlets and outlets _inlets=1 _outlets=1 def __init__(self,*args): pass def start_1(self,a): global process process = subprocess.Popen(str(a)) self._outlet(1, 'opening '+str(a)) def stop_1(self,*a): os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGTERM) self._outlet(1, 'stopping process '+str(process.pid))
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