Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Sun, 2007-11-04 at 13:36 -0500, marius schebella wrote:
The gui has to be a mixture of both,
"bamm.. here i am and i know _exactly_, what needs to be done... " i like your diplomatic way ;-)
you think I am diplomatic? I take that as a compliment...
Use something different for the interface and run pd -nogui.
here i think you are _very_ wrong by saying this. have you ever used datastructures? have you ever had a look at netpd? especially at syntax_the_nerd's bon-* patches? have you ever had a look at the gop abstractions of pdmtl? not to mentionen all the stuff that i forgot to list here?
I think it is amazing how much you and pdmtl are able to get out of pd, but (and sorry I don't know how to put this diplomaticly) I think these interfaces are at least 2 generations away from what a good interface could look like. hey, I love pd, and I will do my best to work on all that stuff that I am permanently complaining about. but think! - and don't get me wrong, because I know that your work is not recognized and valued enough - given the hours that you put into netpd and given the accessability of Pd in general I would assume this application to be about 1000 times more successful. And the reason why it is not, is, I think the lack of a better interface. I am talking about at least 1000 kids permanently using it, making music with their friends.
I think I lose my diplomacy, because I am angry when I see the waste of time that people put into patching using an unsatisfying software and not having the success they should have.
best, marius.