I'm creating long tables (+20m, @22.05KHz, Pd 32b windows), where I read a short voice sample from another table and copy them into different places in the long table. Since that's running outside of the audio chain, I'm using [tabread]+[tabwrite]. The idea is to generate an audio file from a list of events without having to "bounce" the playback.
two vanilla options that come to my mind:
#1 use [array get] to get the contents of the array your are interested in, and dump that into a table (either using [array set] or an old-school [list prepend 0]->[send <tablename>]
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ended up using get+set, as it's
important to click once and have a wav file ready, with no extra steps.
One problem is that some samples overlap, so I had to use different tables
and [iem_tab/tab_sum] to mix them. Maybe with more time I'll be able to
have a look at another solution.
#2 use [tabread4~] in a [switch~]ed-off subpatch and bang the [switch~] to do on-demand "signal-processing" (in your case: table-access with [tabplay~] and [tabwrite~])
That could be interesting, but I'll have to experiment a bit more, I'm not
sure I get the principle.