On 04/29/2011 11:35 AM, matteo sisti sette wrote:
normal? Shouldn't Pd look for dll's also in the patch directory just as it does when it looks for an external? That way, when you have a
those dll's are dependencies of readanysf~.dll. Pd doesn't know anything about them; Pd only finds readanysf~.dll and tells W32 to load this library. the w32 dynamic linker will then check which additional libraries are needed for readanysf~.dll to work and try to open them. the linker will look for those dlls in some standard places (like "%WINDOWS%\System32", probably the entire %PATH%), and "near" the calling application (path\to\pd.exe). afaik, it will also search for the libraries in the same directory as the readanysf.dll lives (which is not necessarily the same as the "patch directory").
the dynamic linker of w32 will definitely ignore your Pd-search paths.
so all in all, it is not Pd that is (not) finding those dlls, but your operating system.
gmasdr IOhannes