On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
hi Yves,
I am not sure maintaining
state' external is an option, unless there is a way of querying gui objects for their state. Since there is no api with access methods, one would need to take for granted, that the structs declared in g_all_guis.h will not change for some time. But even if there is a (permanent) api, I think the proper place for a
preset' (or `state') class would be alongside Pd gui internals.
..... *$%! hasnt that been the case once ? I don't want to do the implementation, because I am not going to mess around in the iem gui objects. On the other hand, the state object has one big disadvantage, that is, if you delete gui objects in a patch you can't load previously saved states anymore. So we have to find a solution to name the objects automatically and permanently (writing the name to the .pd files). This way the states could be loaded after edits too.
Yves Degoyon wrote: ...
i must put the highlights on "state" object from ggee . . . it does save the state of sliders, numberboxes, .. and is able to restore them easily.
but, it doen't save all kind of objects ( no toggles, hslider, vslider, ... ) --