I'm wondering if an object exists that can act as a 'switch'. What I mean is that when it is in one state, the signal flow continues in one direction and when in the other it goes in another direction, basically deactivating the
theres surely a dozen more ways to do this, but a toggle & a pair of spigots fed with == 0 and == 1//
the switch is in another state. All this to save cpu, since both processes could be placed inline, but would consume too much cpu.
suppose you have two subpatches both heavily taxing the cpu with audio-rate signal processing, but due to your switch, you only want one of them on at once. is there a way to selectively disable dsp on a subpatch basis? i saw something in the help files about a similar trick for blocksize, but perhaps i havent dug deep enough to into the scheduler code or help files to know if something like a simple toggle .x40203 DSP 0 method exists..