Hi all,
(I am much happy about this being in mtl. I will be able to host 1-2 people and find some other places)
== "off" presentations ==
There is something I really liked in a convetion about cooperative web usages I attending this summer in Brest. It was "off" presentations. You could choose a period in between the other presentations and write down the location and topic of your "off" presentation. The periods were something like breakfast, lunch and just before the dinner.
== funds for young french people to come in Montreal ==
If you are young and french, you should check out ofqj.org : it helped me to realize a project in France this summer. It works if you either french of Quebecois, under 35 of age, I think.
On 7/27/06, Andre Schmidt andre@osku.de wrote:
video streaming... absolutely fantastic!
On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 11:01 -0400, darsha wrote:
Hi all,
Thanks to those who have sent in comments about the PureData Convention. Keep them coming!
The plan for the convention is to have several performances, installations, presentations of papers, workshops, group work sessions and formal and informal talks. Oh yeah, and parties of course ; ).
As far as funding goes we will be applying to the usual arts funding organizations in Canada such as the Canada Council for the Arts and various private funding institutions. We will be teaming up with a hotel to offer reasonably priced accommodations. We will also be offering a billeting service so participants can stay with pd people while in Montreal for free. We have a few fundraiser ideas up our sleeves, but please let us know if you have any of your own.
We will try to cover as many travel costs as possible, if people can secure their own funding from universities, art councils or arts groups, then that will free up funds for people out on their own.
A call for artworks, papers, and projects will be released in the near future.
The SAT already has offered their system for streaming so those who cannot make it to Montreal can still follow along.
Thanks, and keep the comments coming in.
From: "B. Bogart" ben@ekran.org To: pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] PD Convention 2007! Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 16:46:32 -0700
I'm not sure of the feasibility of it, but some "remote" events using streaming could be really neat, There could be "viewers" or even participants in Toronto, Vancouver etc..
Could even be possible to do something over accessgrid where possible... Ryerson, SFU, SAT would have access to the required network.
I hope there will be lots of installations and performances...
Maybe oboro, SAT etc.. would be interested in hosting exhibition as part of the conference?
Where are you trying to get funding?
dafydd hughes wrote:
Hey! This is great news! Who's the contact at OCAD? I'm sure a bunch of folks from InterAccess here in Toronto would like to be involved/help out.
cheers dafydd
On 7/21/06, darsha darsha.h@gmail.com wrote:
Dear PD Community,
On behalf of the PD Convention Organizing Committee, I am pleased to announce that the second PureData convention will take place in Montréal Canada from August 21st to August 25th, 2007.
The organizing committee in Montréal consists of members from Artengine, Vidéographe, Société des arts technologiques, University of Ottawa, McGill University and Ontario College of Art and Design, along with a few independant artists. For the past few months members of the community from Montréal, Ottawa, New York and Graz have been discussing the organization of the convention and are currently working on defining the event.
In order to help us shape the convention WE NEED YOUR INPUT! If you attended the convention in Graz please give us some feedback, or, if you have suggestions as to what you would like to see at the next PD Convention please let us know. It would be helpful to get your thoughts on what was achieved through the first PD convention. Please post your input before August 16th, 2006.
Thanks in advance for your consideration,
Darsha Hewitt
PD Convention Montréal 2007
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