Good point. :-) so let's put it this way: the difference in cpu cost is neglectible for well designed patches. Again, i might be wrong.
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2016 um 23:54 Uhr Von: "IOhannes m zmölnig" An: Betreff: Re: [PD] efficient approximation of trig functions for hi pass formula (was: could vanilla borrow iemlib's hi pass filter recipe?)
On 10/19/2016 11:40 PM, Christof Ressi wrote:
I guess, you can't change the cutoff frequency so often that the CPU cost will actually matter. But maybe I'm wrong...
well, the perform routing will be called *at most* for each block (which can be 1 sample when running with [block~ 1])
the cutoff frequency will be changed whenever you send a message, which can be much ... more often, [until] somebody fixes your patch.
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