I guess the pd list address got accidentally left out? Putting it back...
Em sex., 21 de jan. de 2022 Ã s 11:58, Christof Ressi <info(a)christofressi.com>
> Alex has written several GUI externals. I think he can give you some
> pointers or link to some examples that might be more relevant for what
> you want to do. Alternatively, you can look at the Pd source code itself.
This is what I've been doing, looking at source code of Vanilla's GUI and
externals, but I have to say my knowledge is pretty limited. The keyboard
GUI was the first in my library but someone else had coded it, I developed
on it. Most of my GUIs are pretty simple and I still have to learn how to
properly code properties windows. I also design GUIs with data structures
because I still find it very hard to code GUIs myself, for instance,
[slider2d], [multislider] and many others (most of my GUIs are actually
just abstractions).
So, if anyone knows of a good tutorial on how to write GUIs in Pd, I'd love
that too, hahahaha