I'm wondering how to get a list of midiout devices without GUI.
This has to work without GUI.
I tried [mediasettings/midisettings] but it always report 0 devices (both
in and out) when there is no GUI.
i also know the -listdev option to Pd, but this only list devices in
console, and I need to proccess the number in the patch.
I observe this on Linux (both Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and Raspbian (kernel
3.10.25+) with pd 0.45-4.
But it seems to be OK on MacOS with pd 0.45-3.
do it yourself
I'm trying to playback a sound file from the same array using multiple
[tabread4~] objects but I'm getting nasty clicks presumably because they
are having accessing the same array at the same time. Is there another
approach to this or some other way of avoiding the clicks?
Call for Papers
Workshop on Practice-Based Research in New Interfaces for Musical Expression
NIME 2014 Workshop: Goldsmiths, London, UK www.nime2014.org
Workshop website: http://www.creativityandcognition.com/NIMEWorkshop/
Submission Deadline: May 12, 2014 (No extensions!)
Notification: May 16, 2014
Workshop date: June 30, 2014
Practitioner-researchers in new musical instrument/interface design often
set themselves multiple challenges: they seek to design and implement new
technologies, create and perform new works, examine and evaluate what they
have done and, finally, articulate what has been learned in the process.
To do this effectively requires careful consideration of the links between
creative work and research. Failing to do so can lead to technical
research which lacks relevance to creative practice or, conversely,
creative work where the broader contribution is unclear.
This workshop focuses on the relationships between creative practice and
research - and blends of the two - with particular emphasis on new musical
interface/instrument design.
Combining practice and research leads to a series of difficult questions,
- What constitutes a contribution in the context of practice-based research
in new musical instrument/interface design?
- How do we show that we have made a contribution? What kinds of evidence
are appropriate?
- Do we always need to evaluate our interfaces/instruments? What does
evaluation mean in creative contexts? Are there fixed criteria?
- What is the status of the work (performance, instrument, composition,
exhibition, ...) itself? Is it possible to understand the contribution of
practice-based research without experiencing the work? What is the role of
- What is the place of personal reflection in relation to practice-based
We invite 2-4 page papers or position papers for presentation and in-depth
discussion. Submissions from students are welcome and encouraged. Topics
may include, but are not limited to:
- Case studies of practice-based research in the area of NIME.
- Theoretical and conceptual framings of practice-based research in NIME
- Personal reflections on past or ongoing practice-based research projects.
- Techniques and methods for examining people’s experiences with new
- Approaches and methods from other domains and cultures.
- Radical ideas, new approaches.
Papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the
workshop proceedings and archived on the workshop website. After the
workshop, selected participants will be invited to expand their papers for
a special issue of Leonardo Transactions.
Once selected, all workshop participants are required to register for at
least one day of the NIME conference. You can register at http://www.
Submit papers via EasyChair at: https://www.easychair.org/
Andrew Johnston, Sam Ferguson and Ernest Edmonds
Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology, Sydney
Please send enquiries to pbrnime2014(a)easychair.org
Is there a working music notator in PD?
Patrick Pagano, B.S, M.F.A
Assistant in Digital Arts and Science
Digital Media Projection and Audio Design
Digital Worlds Institute
University of Florida, USA
Apologies for cross-posting...
With great pleasure I am pleased to announce DISIS spring event of 2014.
As part of the ICAT Day, VT Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology
(ICAT) and School of Performing Arts' Digital Interactive Sound and
Intermedia Studio (DISIS) presents its Spring Showcase, a part of the
"Digital iD" performance series featuring an evening of multisensory
performances that fit no preexisting form or template. The event will
feature the Kandinsky Trio and guest artist Chris McCormick, Virginia Tech
faculty artists Ivica Ico Bukvic, Lee Heuermann, Eric Lyon, and Charles
Nichols, Virginia Tech's Linux Laptop Orchestra (L2Ork), and students
engaged in the DISIS and Cinema curricula. Also on the concert is a
performance of Terry Riley's "In C," played telematically between musicians
at Virginia Tech and Stanford University. Using JackTrip software, the two
schools will stream audio across the continent, allowing the distributed
musicians to perform together in real time. "Digital iD" offers an
exploration of synergies among music, technology, arts, gesture,
collaboration, interactivity, and ultimately community. The event is free
and open to the public.
For additional info:
DISIS Event Page
Facebook Event Page
Complete ICAT Day Schedule of Events
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts - 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
Hi all,
I am currently working on an embedded device made up of some hardware,
Arduino, Beaglebone running Debian white with audio cape. I am attaching a
pd file that works on a laptop. For the beaglebone, basically I change the
serial port argument to "4" for [comport] but get a "Broken Pipe" error
*ALSA input error (restart failed): Broken piperestarting input device from
state 2ALSA output error (restart failed): Broken pipe*
But ALSA seems to be working okay as long as only 1 application tries to
use it. I followed most of the directions here to get it working (
http://www.csounds.com/journal/issue18/beagle_pi.html and
http://puredata.info/docs/embedded/bbb/) I installed pd-extended by adding
the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list with directions from here (
http://puredata.info/docs/faq/debian). I know sound is okay: speaker-test
works ok. pd-extended works including sound, at least for a simple patch
(also attached). Jack is not installed (doesn't seem necessary for single
headless instance of pd-extended).
Hmm...any help would be greatly appreciated!
David Welch
Apologies for cross-posting,
I am pleased to announce our inaugural Pure-Data/Pd-L2Ork patching circle at
Virginia Tech featuring Chris McCormick.
Virginia Tech Linux Laptop Orchestra (L2Ork),
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT), and
Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) Present:
Featuring Chris McCormick
DATE: Tuesday May 6, 2014
TIME: 300‐530pm
PLACE: Innovation Space Torgersen 1120
An ICAT IMPACT studio‐sponsored hackathon featuring Chris McCormick, the
author of the DroidParty
free open source software based on Pure‐Data that is also fully compatible
with Virginia Tech Linux
Laptop Orchestra’s Pd‐L2Ork free open‐source visual multimedia
programming environment. DroidParty
is designed to convert Android devices into programmable surfaces for audio
improvisation and
performance. The workshop will cover:
* Introduction to DroidParty
* Introduction to Pure‐Data and Pd‐L2Ork
* Installing and programming your own Android‐based instrument
* Jamming using Android devices
* No prior experience necessary
The event is free and open to everyone. The seating is limited to 25 and
will be issued on
first‐come basis. To reserve a seat email Dr. Ivica Ico Bukvic at
ico(a)vt.edu. Please bring
your own laptop and an Android device. For additional info visit
Please see attached poster for more info.
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts - 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
I have been using an arduino with [comport] (pduino) to read out sensors so
far and want to use a I2C sensor board for some other sensors soon.
Can [comport] connect to the I2C interface or is there another object in
Pd-extended that can do that?