I'm just getting around to trying out deken. I think this will be a
wonderful way to deal with libraries. I'm having some problems in OS X,
I used deken to import zexy and cyclone. The help files appear in the help
browser, now, but none of the objects will load. I've tried [import zexy].
I noticed ~/Library/Pd was not included in the search path. I tried adding
it and restarting without any results. Am I doing something wrong?
Some libraries I searched for, like moonlib, were only available in Windows
and Linux flavors. Would it be easy for me to compile missing libraries and
upload them to add options for OS X users? (I know very little about the
backend of package management systems.)
Also, who's developing deken? Is it a team? Just one person? Are there
plans to have lists of available libraries in the future?
Thanks to whoever is helping to provide an alternative for Pd-extended! You
are doing tremendous work!
Goucher College Computer Music