Well the modifided tcl AFAWCT gives uniform patch rendering on all OS with the same font.
Also this tweek is compatible with Purr-Data.
It came from a long discussion we had with Alex, he was mad cuz his help-patches done on OSX were bad on linux & windows.
We concluded that:
Each OS was using a different font: dejavu:linux, monaco:macOS, courier:windows.
So we started testing all on DejaVU and we still got his help-patches bad.
Then we use extended metrics and “All solved”.
Obscure why vanilla:monaco:osx fits for vanilla:dejavu:linux:mod.tcl
But anyway this tcl mod renders perfectly patches that were done with extended, or with Purr-Data.
GOP needs testing, but surely vanilla will behave as if it was extended.
Only changes are :
@ pd-gui.tcl line 127 you will find the Pd vanilla font metrics
The actual real pixel dimensions of the font are none of our business and irrelevant cuz patches render the same or really close on all OS.
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
From: Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika(a)yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 5:16 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; pd-list(a)lists.iem.at
Subject: Re: [PD] (wip) Preferences file.
>> But you are taking an internal format passed between the GUI and the core and exposing it to become a public API. And that format virtually guarantees that users will misunderstand how it works:
> Ok, so then a new flag?
> -fontmetrics <name> … vanilla or extended
> Or something like that?
I'm still not convinced anyone actually understands what the font sizing algorithms are doing,
or whether they are indeed buggy. Under those circumstances I don't think it's a good idea
to expose a new setting to the user.
Has anyone actually read the handful of relevant procs/functions responsible
for the sizing?
For example-- if you choose "12" in Pd's font size dialog, the actual pixel size for the
font displayed on the tk canvas could be -11, -12, -13, etc. Are the discrepancies in
your screenshots due to different actual pixel sizes, or did you normalize everything
to the same actual pixel font size?
> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.