I asked this on the facebook group, thought I'd ask it here as well. Who
cannot be happy with vanilla's OSC support and still needs mrpeach and
stuff? I mean, really really need as in there's no way to deal with such
OSC tasks in Vanilla. Tell me what exactly please... I know that it can
happen and how, I just wanted examples in the real world, and I also
believe Vanilla is fine for most use cases.
I just never use OSC as all I do is inside Pd anyway :)
I see [netsend]/[netreceive] make [udpsend]/[udpreceive] obsolete these
days for OSC... but we also have [routeOSC] and [packOSC], and in Vanilla's
documentation we see this: ~*no attempt is made here to clearly
distinguish between the OSC address (symbols) and the following data, nor
between blobs and lists of numbers - it is assumed that you know what types
the message should contain. You can alternatively use the OSC objects from
mrpeach which have more features than these.*~