Hello, and apologies for x-posting!
We are seeking applications for the first PhD position on the ERC-funded Intelligent Instruments research project hosted at the Iceland University of the Arts. This is a three-year fully-funded scholarship. The candidate will propose their own project under the rubric of Intelligent Instruments (see advert) and work in an exciting lab in the heart of Reykjavik, Iceland.
Deadline is May 17th and the start date for the project is Sept 1st, 2021.
Further information here: https://www.lhi.is/en/intent <https://www.lhi.is/en/intent>
Please share and forward this email or the above URL!
Looking forward to hear from you - happy to answer any questions at thor.magnusson(a)lhi.is <mailto:thor.magnusson@lhi.is>
All best
Thor Magnusson
https://thormagnusson.github.io <https://thormagnusson.github.io/>
Hi all,
I came across a weird requirement and I think it is not possible...but maybe you have a creative workaround: is there a way to know whether an inlet~ is actually connected or whether an inlet~ is or not receiving audio data?
Some subscribers to this list may be interested in this event:
Unsung Stories: Women at Columbia's Computer Music Center is a first step
focusing on the legacy of women who have studied and worked at the renowned
Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (renamed the Computer Music
Center in 1996). The project includes three parts: a two-day symposium
<https://www.unsungstoriescmc.com/symposium> (April 9-10, 2021), a podcast
series, <https://www.unsungstoriescmc.com/podcast> and a concert in Fall
Unsung Stories highlights the work of women, including the work of BIPOC
and LGBTQ+ composers and musicians at the Center, examining how
institutional networks and intersections of race, ethnicity, gender,
sexuality, national origin, and other identifications impacted the daily
work, modes of interaction, and visibility of women composers at the
CPEMC/CMC historically and in the field more broadly. It features panels
and roundtables with over thirty composers/sound artists, and scholars who
will discuss the lineage, musical excellence, experience, and visibility of
the diverse women who have worked at the Center from the 1950s to its
recent history.
*Click here for more information about the symposium and to register:*
Norma Beecroft, Eve Beglarian, Hannah Bosma, Kitty Brazelton, Courtney
Bryan, Kamari Carter, Seth Cluett, Brigid Cohen, Cathy Cox, Teresa Díaz de
Cossio, Zosha Di Castri, Natacha Diels, Brad Garton, Bob Gluck, Mara
Helmuth, Ellie M. Hisama, Yvette Janine Jackson, Miki Kaneda, Roshanak
Kheshti, Judy Klein, Yuriko Hase Kojima, Sky Macklay, Miya Masaoka, Joyce
Solomon Moorman, Frances Morgan, Matthew D. Morrison, Katharina
Rosenberger, Daria Semegen, Alice Shields, Pril Smiley, Ebonie Smith,
Danielle Sholmit Sofer, Laurie Spiegel, Michael Sy Uy, Asha Tamirisa,
Sondra Woodruff, Nina Young
*For Schedule:*
[image: Unsung-stories-STD-1_withURL.jpg]
((Apologies for cross-posting Please feel free to forward.))
The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics – IEM – at the
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz is introducing a new
Bachelor and Master Curriculum in Computer Music and Sound Art.
Application deadline for the winter semester (starting on October 1st,
Bachelor: June 3rd, 2021
Master: May 1st, 2021
There will be an Open House online session on Thursday, April 8th, zoom
link to be announced. ATTENTION: currently scheduled for 2-4 pm Central
European Summer Time (UTC+2)
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