Never really needed fancy preset management other than storing messages in
a basic vanilla way. But I've seen people mention how Pd lacks a nice
preset system. Not that I know what a fancy one actually needs since I
never felt the demand. So I'm here to ask what people use in Pd Vanilla, be
it a pure vanilla solution or an external. And also to ask what people miss.
This is what I came up with as a pure vanilla abstraction, it's based on
[text] and [savestate]. Here's the thing:
[View More]…
In short, the preset abstraction takes messages and stores them. You can
have many of these on your patch and use them to recall presets for any
parameters. It takes any kind of messages. I'm making use of built-in sends
and receives in the number boxes to make the patch cleaner. Just think that
you can have separate control of each parameter having its own preset or
group all of them together globally, or a group here and another there,
whatever... Once you save the patch, the presets you saved get stored in
the patch.
As for my current idea for my ELSE library, I'm using an object similar to
grab to take messages from [receive] objects. It's a development over this
original vanilla abstraction. My first draft is this, I hope that sharing
the screenshot give you a nice idea.
[image: Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 04.47.42.png]
You can check what's up in my repository for more details...
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Hi folks, I'm on a vibe of uploading missing libraries and objects for Pd
Vanilla on deken. On the list I have FFTease, Lyonpotpourri, CICM-Tools and
more stuff that I'm looking into, just so you know...
Now, I see there's an old soundtouch~ external here: - it's "version 0.9" by
Katja Vetter. It was developed with SoundTouch version 1.6 and Pure Data
version 0.42. I tested on Pd 0.51-4 32 bits on mac and it works fine. There
are binaries for …
[View More]download on the link above, but not for 64 bits. I wonder
if anyone wants to help me build these with pd-lib-builder and all.
Now, the ceammc librarym (and Pd-ceammc distribution) has a soundtouch~
external too. It's the same name, but not the same external, this one is
marked as "version 0.1". So we do already have "a" soundtouch~ for vanilla,
but I wanted to also get katja's external up there.
So I just uploaded the download from that page here - It's just the download as it is
and we need to change to hopefully use pd-lib-builder, which would make
things easier. I did try that and it didn't work.
So, anyone onboard with this?
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Dear all,
I haven't posted anything on this list in years.
I'm trying to build a system to play several sound files in a loop,
each around 2 minutes in length, all at the same time. By "several" I
mean 10 to 15 different files. While I'd have no problem making a Pd
patch to achieve this, I have no idea what hardware I could use. I
have a limited budget, and I was planning on running Pd on a Raspberry
Pi (or similar single-board computer).
Is there any cheap way of outputing than many channels …
[View More]from a single
(a couple of) RPi ?
Thanks in advance,
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here is a pre-release for vstplugin~ v0.5 - a Pd external to run VST2
and VST3 plugins.
You can find it on Deken or download it here:
The most important changes:
* VST3: support multiple input/output busses ("-i" and "-o" creation
argument flags) + new methods for obtaining bus info
* VST3: fixed possible wrong channel count (regression introduced in v0.4)
* Linux: allow to run 32-bit and 64-bit Windows plugins (via Wine)
[View More] Linux: fix non-functional VST3 editor
* some thread-safety improvements which fix occasional crashes with NI
plugins (and possibly others)
The full changelog is here:
Beside trying out the new features, it would be very appreciated if you
could test it with your existing projects and check if nothing is broken.
If you find any issues, please file a bug report here:
Have fun!
Pd-announce mailing list
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Hi list,
the 4-point interpolation in tabread4~ has been a popular topic in the
past, going back to at least 2008. [1]
A similar issue is in delread4~. In fact a simple resonator changes its
timbre quite drastically by just changing the sample rate of the audio
interface. Attached is a test patch.
The issue becomes audible when choosing an odd delay time and compare
the result between an odd and an even sample rate (e.g. 44.1k vs. 48k).
This is not good. In fact this is a serious defect.…
[View More] Imagine you want to
market a product like a synth plugin (based on libpd) which sounds
different depending on if the daw is opened in 44.1 or 48 kHz.
Cyrille Henry has coded tabread4c~ with a four-point cubic interpolation
in the nusmuk library, but there is no delread4c~ equivalent in nusmuk.
Clemens Wegener has coded delreadsinc~ which implements a
Whittaker–Shannon interpolation (Sinc function). This implementation
does sounds consistent in any sample rate. It also sounds much better at
very slow speeds inside a pitch shifter where delread4~ produces serious
artefacts. The Sinc function requires a larger padding for the
There are a couple of questions regarding on how to contribute this to Pd.
Vanilla objects are currently:
delwrite~ = the sink
delread~ = control rate tap
delread4~ (vd~) = audio rate tap with a four-point interpolation
1. the code in delwrite~ isn't agnostic towards the interpolation since
it already provides the padding for the 4 point interpolation
2. if we add more interpolation methods to delread / tabread, the
cleanest way would be to just have one tap object and the interpolation
can be changed by a message and argument to it. currently there are
implementations for the miller 4pt, cubic 4pt and Sinc.
Unfortunately delread4 already carries the 4 from 4-point interpolation
in its name, so probably it would be the best to deprecate that and find
a new name like varidelay~ or so.
[1] Review of tabread4~ threads in the archive
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Hi list,
nice weather today, isn't it?
I am trying to understand the [pd compander-limiter] example from
slop~'s help patch because I need a 0dBFS brickwall limiter as
abstraction without externals.
When set to the "no change" parameters, the example will still saturate any
signals hotter than 0dBFS.
I don't understand what the ratio parameter does,
especially its unit and range. It is 100 for dynamic reduction and 200
for expansion in the examples.
Furthermore the threshold parameter is …
[View More]100 for "expansion" and
"compression", but 60 for "noise gate"...
"Limit" does introduce audible saturation for signals above 0dBFS and I
am wondering which paramters could prevent this. Lowering the speed
parameter to values smaller than 50 improves this a bit. Is speed an
inverse attack time parameter perhaps?
And I can't seem to make sense of the boost parameter.
Any hints are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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windows 10, Pd-51.0-64
KioskNewWindow True
ShowMenu False
ScrollBars False
the kiosk.cfg is in the same map as the Pd-patch.
when opening a patch the menu-bar is still present,
it disappears after clicking in/on the patch window.
when opening a patch with several sub-patch windows already open,
the menu-bars are present, but Pd crashes when clicking on the sub-patch
sometimes it's immediately at the first one, other times at the second
or the third.
when opening the main patch …
[View More]first, and the sub-patch windows later
with a [vis 1( message in the main patch, the timing seems important:
when using a [loadbang] - [del 100] the menu-bars are still present, as
is the crashing of Pd after clicking on the windows.
with [del 1000] the menu-bars are gone, and Pd does not crash.
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