Is there a possibility with [soundfiler] to load a sound file into a table
at an offset?
Say I want to load one sound into the first half of a table
and a different one into the second half...?
Thank you!
Hi, I think we should address this in the pd list, I mean it as a request
for the feature to be available out of the box ;) hence I'm replying and
bringing this back to the list.
Anyway, here's Scott's message
Em qua., 12 de ago. de 2020 às 18:33, Scott R. Looney <
scottrlooney(a)> escreveu:
> hey Alex saw your comment on dark mode - regarding dark mode as far as i
> know it's a pretty easy fix to change the default Tcl/Tk BG color . hit up
> Mike (Fress Prench) on Discord for details. here's the relevant info from
> his post:
> *"Add this to the end of your pd-gui.tcl file
> (Applications/Pd/Contents/Resources/tcl) option add
> *PatchWindow*Canvas.background #ffe5b5"*
> best,
> scott
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 2:22 PM Alexandre Torres Porres <porres(a)>
> wrote:
>> btw, having dark mode working on macos and other systems would be
>> wonderful for owls like me who spent the night patching :)
>> Em qua., 12 de ago. de 2020 às 18:13, ffdd cchh <camarafede(a)>
>> escreveu:
>>> Hi Alex, et al,
>>> Some comments on colors in macos:
>>> I also see the greyish on the wish app (using Wish Tk 8.6.10 compiled or
>>> from software.html). That is while you have the Light Appearance enabled.
>>> Try switching your mac to Dark Appearance on your System Preferences, and
>>> you'll note that the greyish turns blackish (!). Most concerning: while
>>> cords and object boxes are bright, everything else is almost invisible.
>>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 4:27 PM Alexandre Torres Porres <
>>> porres(a)> wrote:
>>>> Hi, t hasn't been announced yet, but since yesterday I've been using
>>>> 0.51-1-test1 that was just released and is already available at
>>>>; so anyway, I have a few issues (I
>>>> tried github but IOhannes convinced me to go ahead and bring it up here).
>>>> Here they go:
>>>> 1- I see a grayish background (macOS mojave), which seems like an
>>>> unintended change (aka bug).
>>>> 2- For the sample rate buttons, it feels more intuitive to me that it
>>>> starts with 44.1k and then goes higher to 48k and 96k, now maybe also add
>>>> 88.2 and 192k? Those are also pretty common. Then it'd be better to have
>>>> "Use Callbacks" and "block size" in a new level below or rearrange things
>>>> differently.
>>>> 3- As for the release notes, I pointed a couple of issues here:
>>>> For last, since I see some changes/fixes were made to inlet/inlet~,
>>>> perhaps we could also take care of this bug
>>>> cheers!
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Hello everyone!
After more than 2 years, I'm pleased to announce that I'm on the way to
release a new version of Camomile (v1.0.7)! A beta version is already
Camomile is a plugin with Pure Data embedded that allows users to load and
to control patches inside a digital audio workstation. The plugin is
available in the VST3, Audio Unit and LV2 formats for Linux, Windows and
macOS. Download and information on the website:
Change Log:
- Update Pd version (0.51)
- Update Juce version (6.0.0)
- Remove VST2 support
- Fix PdStalFx - DSP not recompiled (#126)
- Fix PdStalFx - no loadbang (#126)
- Fix PdStalFx - undefined when reloaded (#126)
- Add PdStal - instrument version of PdStalFx (#126)
- Fix openpanel and savepanel methods to use Unix path even on Windows
- Fix openpanel and savepanel methods to output a symbol instead of a list
of 1 element (#137)
- Fix midiin objects support to output all the midi messages (#134)
- Fix midiout objects support for 3 bytes messages and system exclusive
messages (#134)
- Fix camomile script to support white space in the path (#136)
- Fix LV2 plugin freeze on Linux (#183)
- Add support for manufacturer (#152)
- Fix support for Logic X (#166)
- Fix default display of parameters of Audio Unit (#153)
- Fix expr objects on Windows (#139)
- Fix MIDI in support for LV2 plugins (#160)
- Minor fixes and improvements
Please, read the documentation carefully. Feedback is more than welcome!
For feature request and bug report, please use the issue section on the
Github repository if you can:
All the best,
Pd-announce mailing list
Hello, as previously announced, there's a next year's edition of the Vortex
Music Journal dedicated to Pure Data. We're now changing/rearranging the
call for a further edition - volume 9 / number 2 (instead of v.9 n.1) -
which is still to be released in 2021, but it gives us now a new and
further submission deadline rescheduled to June 1st 2021! The old deadline
was december 15th 2020, so this just gave us more than 6 months! I hope
this gives people time to work on new projects and have something ready to
talk about them then ;)
2021 is the year Pd becomes 25 years old, hence the theme: “A quarter of
century of Pd: past, present and future”. So we're especially looking for
works that present a dialogue with Pd's history and also look ahead. Novel
works that contribute to Pd naturally do that, of course. And by "Pd",
clearly we mean all that is related and based on Pd, like forks, like works
that rely on libpd, etc... Note that artistic works are also highly
welcome, in the same way especially those that involve something "new".
For more info, please check:
* Vortex Music Journal | v.9 n.2 "A quarter of century of Pd: past, present
and future" * Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2021. * Guest Editor: Dr.
Alexandre Torres Porres
Feel free to send me questions.
Alexandre Porres
Pd-announce mailing list