Is it running with the *same* OS and settings? It might be a scheduling issue with the kernel, realtime settings, crappy networking driver, etc.
> On Jan 30, 2018, at 12:00 PM, pd-list-request(a) wrote:
> From: Roman Haefeli <reduzent(a) <>>
> To: "pd-list(a) <>" <pd-list(a) <>>
> Subject: Re: [PD] glitches when streaming UDP
> Message-ID: <1517306864.2068.8.camel(a) <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Mon, 2018-01-29 at 10:25 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
>> I'm working on a patch that transmits audio through UDP. The patch
>> runs
>> totally smooth on macOS (10.10 and 10.11) with Pd 0.48-1 and JACK as
>> back-end. On the Linux machines I tested (all Ubuntu 16.04) with the
>> same version of Pd I get a lot of glitches, although I'm using very
>> similar Jack settings (128 frames/period, 3 periods).
> Update:
> My personal, somewhat outdated laptop from 2007 has absolutely stable
> performance with same patch, same Pd version, same OS, same kernel. To
> be clear: It's only Pd that performs well on one computer and not so
> well on others. I get glitch-free audio with Ardour on all tested
> computers. So I wonder what circumstances affect specifically Pd. It's
> a pity the most powerful computer I have access to is in its current
> state not suitable for Pd projects :-(
> Roman
Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <> <> <>
If you're using jack, is the jack server running without dropouts with other software? I'm only suggesting to consider sources other than Pd as well.
> On Jan 30, 2018, at 9:25 PM, pd-list-request(a) wrote:
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 21:25:26 +0100
> From: Roman Haefeli <reduzent(a) <>>
> To: Pd-List <pd-list(a) <>>
> Subject: Re: [PD] glitches when streaming UDP
> Message-ID: <1517343926.2187.14.camel(a) <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Die, 2018-01-30 at 16:38 +0100, Dan Wilcox wrote:
>> Is it running with the *same* OS and settings?
> As far as I can tell: yes. Same OS (Ubuntu 16.04), same Kernel (4.13.0-
> 32-lowlatency), both tuned so that "realtimeconfigquickscan" doesn't
> complain anymore. This includes configuring /etc/security/limits.conf,
> adding user to audio group, making high-precision timer /dev/hpet und
> realtime clock /dev/rtc readable by members of audio group, etc. I get
> stable performance with Ardour with the same qjackctl settings, with
> built-in soundcard, but also with external USB sound interface on BOTH
> machines.
>> It might be a scheduling issue with the kernel, realtime settings,
>> crappy networking driver, etc.
> I thought about that, too. But why does it affect only Pd? On the
> "troubled" machine - where everything else runs supersmooth - this
> setup suffers a couple of glitches per second (jack routing):
> mpv -> Pd running [adc~]-[dac~] -> system output
> The probable causes you mentioned would affect other audio softwares,
> too, wouldn't they?
> The Pd version doesn't seem to make a difference...
> Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.
> Roman
Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <> <> <>
Dear Pd list,
LSU is pleased to be offering two graduate assistantships to incoming PhD students in the Experimental Music and Digital Media program in Fall 2018. Please see below for more details.
Best regards,
Edgar Berdahl
Assistant Professor
School of Music and Center for Computation and Technology
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
mobile 650-492-0211
Teaching, Studio Maintenance, and Research Graduate Assistantship
The LSU School of Music is offering an assistantship to an incoming student in order to assist in the following areas:
• Teaching of an undergraduate course such as MUS 2745 Introduction to Computer Music or MUS 2700 Introduction to Music Technology
• Assist with studio maintenance and concert preparations
• Research projects in the area of Experimental Music and Digital Media (EMDM)
This position is a multi-year full time assistantship of 20hours/week, 15k/year + tuition remission.
Digital Design & Emergent Media Graduate Assistantship
The LSU CCT Cultural Computing focus area, LSU School of Music Experimental Music & Digital Media program (EMDM), in collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Education, the LSU Cain Center, and Lee Magnet High School have collaborated to develop future-relevant high school curriculum in preparation for careers that involve digital media design and production – some of the most ubiquitous skills necessary for employment in the 21st century. To this end, we are excited to offer a graduate assistantship in Digital Design & Emergent Media.
The DDEM position is a full time assistantship of 20hours/week, 18k/year + tuition remission.
Depending on expertise, responsibilities for the DDEM Assistantship may include:
- Assist in the rollout of the statewide STEM Certification Pathway in Digital Design & Emergent Media
- Teaching the Programming Digital Media course at a nearby high school and assisting in curriculum revision
- Assist in teaching the Programming Digital Media course (CSC2463) class at LSU (Web Audio & Arduino units)
- Curriculum, unit development, and teacher training of Digital Media entangled courses
- Work with a team of faculty, students and teachers to prepare materials for training DDEM High School teachers over the summer.
- Development of software/hardware modules, frameworks, and teaching materials to assist in this kind of education
- other responsibilities related to the design and implementation of the Digital Design & Emergent Media curriculum
The Assistantship will begin in Fall 2018 however financial support is available to begin working on the project as early as late Spring.
For more information contact Dr. Jesse Allison - jtallison(a)
General Information
Candidates should apply to the Experimental Music and Digital Media (EMDM) concentration for the Doctor of Philosophy in Music. A master's degree is required for admission. An acceptable score [combined verbal/quantitative] on the GRE is also required. Applicants must submit a letter of intent, an application for admission, and official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work. In addition, applicants to this program must submit a portfolio representative of their prior work in this area. The portfolio should include recorded media (mp3s, video files, etc.), scores (if appropriate), computer source code from prior projects (if appropriate) and in general a list of work that demonstrates the student’s interest and abilities in experimental music, electroacoustic music or digital media. Auditions are NOT necessary.
Application due date: March 1.
Language Requirement
A test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) is required for international applicants from countries other than United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belize, or certain Caribbean Islands. If you have a degree from a U.S. college or university or a degree from any of the listed countries, you are exempt from this requirement.
The Experimental Music and Digital Media (EMDM) program occupies space both within the School of Music and Dramatic Arts as well as at the new Digital Media Center building on LSU campus. Facilities include new recording studios, fabrication facilities (including a laser cutter and a 3D printer), a 71-channel sound diffusion system, the Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana, Shaver Auditorium, the Digital Media Center Auditorium, the School of Music Recital Hall, and more.
To apply, visit
Applications should be submitted to LSU's Graduate School.
The most-directly affiliated faculty you would collaborate could include
Jesse Allison (
Steven David Beck (<>
Edgar Berdahl (
Frederick "Derick" Ostrenko (<>)
Hye Yeon Nam (
For more information, please visit
Pd-announce mailing list
Hello List,
I just updated my ubuntu machine to 17.10, everything runs fine, except
that I can't quit PD by closing the window. It ignores quit altogether, I
have to quit pd by ending the process with System Monitor.
is anyone else experiencing this?
José Rafael Subía Valdez
Hi list,
Purr Data 2.4.8 is now available:
Please report bugs here:
* refactor the GUI to get rid of some of the GUI freeze problems with various GUI widgets
* update wiringPi library used by disis_gpio class
* fix automatic list conversion for ancillary inlets
* fix glitch in dollar symbol matching with canvas "find" feature
Ok, thanks for the clarification, IOhannes's message was a bit cryptic for
me !
All best dear pd community
Raphaël Ilias
Le 27 janv. 2018 5:03 PM, "Roman Haefeli" <reduzent(a)> a écrit :
On Sam, 2018-01-27 at 14:06 +0100, Raphaël Ilias wrote:
> Does it mean that Puredata will soon have to upgrade all it's floats
> and ~'s objects to double precision (64bit floating point) like
> Katia's pd-double ?
> I would love that ! :)
> Long tables made easy !
Let me quote IOhannes' email from yesterday
IOhannes wrote:
"64bit in this case means "sizeof(void*)==8" - that is: 64bit pointers.
this is orthogonal to "double precision" Pd, which uses (64bit) double
as t_float."
So, no, that doesn't automatically mean double-precision Pd.
Pd-list(a) mailing list
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I'm pleased to announce that the brand new *Camomile *release (1.0.1) is
Camomile is a plugin with Pure Data embedded that offers to load and to
control patches inside a digital audio workstation. The plugin is available
in the VST2, VST3 and Audio Unit formats for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
Download and information on the website:
Please, read carefully the documentation. Feedback are more than welcome! For
feature request and bug report, please use the issue section in the Github
repository if you can:
An overview of the main changes:
- Use libpd instead of my personal wrapper.
- Use TLS approach of Pd to manage thread concurrency issues.
- Use a text file to define the properties of the plugins.
- Generate plugins with the patches included.
- Separate the GUI and the parameters' definitions.
- Fix thread concurrency issue that occurred when selecting a program
- Fix stack overflow issue due to concurrent access to the Pd's stack
counter (#69).
- Update documentation for VST2/VST3/AU generation on MacOS to display
the name of the plugins in Ableton (#75).
- Improve the whole documentation (#72) and start "How to Create
Patches" (#73).
- Add more warning when there are extra arguments in parameters' methods.
- Add support for "openpanel" and "savepanel" methods.
- Update examples Bulgroz, AlmondOrgan, Castafiore, MiniMock.
- Start/Add support for patch description in the text file (#74).
- Start/Add support for patch credits in the text file (#74).
Further information on the previous versions and the changes on this topic
. And here is the link to topic of the pd forum:…
Pd-announce mailing list
Dear all,
I'm happy to announce the public release of the Locusonus external.
The locusonus external feature a solo object: locuscast~, a streaming client, similar in use to the oggamp~ or mp3amp~ objects.
It is based on FFMPEG (and pack it, that why it's a bit big).
It can read a wide variety of format (ogg, mp3, aac, wav, and many more), any bitrate, any samplerate, and up to 64 channels.
And files can be read too.
At the moment it's available for macOS and Raspberry Pi (arm6 and arm7), and in a close future it will be for linux and windows as well.
The external is here:
A demo patch is provided, but intended to work on L2ork, with the purestJson external.
So far, it has been tested on :
Raspbian Jessie (arm6&7) with Pd vanilla and L2ork
Raspbian Stretch with Pd vanilla.
MacOs 10.6.9 and later
You can report bug, observation or happyness about it ay this email adress:
Locusamp is made in Aix en Provence at the Locus Sonus research lab by Grégoire Lauvin and Stéphane Cousot.
Locus Sonus Lab 2014/2015 : Elena Biserna, Stéphane Cousot, Grégoire Lauvin, (Laurent Di Biase, Fabrice Métais, Marie Müller), Jérôme Joy, Anne Roquigny, Peter ...
Locus Sonus :: Soundmap<>
automatic navigation : To listen to all streams at regular interval, enable the automatic navigation mode by defining your listening time (in seconds), by default 10 ...
Grégoire Lauvin
Pd-announce mailing list