Hi All,
I'm the CEO and co-founder of Melodrive <http://melodrive.com/>, a Berlin
based music tech startup. We're developing a music engine that uses
Artificial Intelligence to create adaptive music in realtime. Our AI system
empowers people - no matter their musical knowledge - to create immersive
soundtrack simply and quickly.
This technology has applications across all of digital media, with a
specific focus on interactive experiences like video games, Virtual
Reality, and Augmented Reality.
We're a team of experts in Music & AI–with two PhDs and one Master's degree
between the 3 co-founders. Our collective experience in music informatics,
AI and composition is over 3 decades, and our work has won awards in both
academia and industry.
We're looking to hire a creative sound designer full time. Below is a job
description. If you think you're the right candidate and would like to know
more about the position, drop me a private email and we can schedule a
Skype call.
Many thanks!
Sound Designer
- Design soft-synth and sample-based instruments, effects and mastering
chains for a range of musical styles (e.g., EDM, jazz and orchestral)
- Liaise with audio programmers in the audio team to help build audio
engine and tools
- Liaise with the music team to help define instruments and models
- Create tutorials and training materials
- Produce musical samples using Melodrive
- Experience creating instruments (soft-synth and sample-based), effects,
and masters
- Experience with VSTs, samplers, and DAWs
- Basic grasp of music theory and music composition
- Good writing skills
- Basic understanding of DSP and audio programming
- Working knowledge of Pure Data and/or JUCE audio engine
- Able to create and edit video
- Previous experience in a startup
- Love to learn and experiment with new (music) tech
- Resilient and adaptive to change
- Team player
- Excellent communicator
Negotiable based on experience
Best wishes,
[image: v.gif]
Valerio Velardo, PhD
Co-founder & CEO,
Melodrive <http://www.melodrive.com>
Hi list,
Perhap there is by now a way to get rid of the annoying error message at
pd startup saying
open: /etc/pd/gem.conf: No such file or directory
open: /home/peter/.pd/gem.conf: No such file or directory
open: ./gem.conf: No such file or directory
? Even if I create an empty file /etc/pd/gem.conf the two other messages
are still displayed. I wonder what the use of this is, should I keep
three identical files or symlinks distributed all over the system only
to have Gem load with less noise?
This has been discussed in 2009 here
but it is 2018 soon. Perhaps the point of views have a chance to be
changed? It would be terrific!
Hi list, Flávio Schiavoni is collaborating with me with a new GUI
[keyboard] object. He did a nice work (we're only dealing with some bugs
before putting it out). But he did it in the old tcl/tk so this still works
in Pd 0.42-5 but not in Vanilla 0.48.
Could anybody out there help us figure out the new errors we're getting
because of the newer vanilla tcl/tk codes? Here's a more proper bug report
- https://github.com/porres/pd-keyboard/issues/3
ELSE 1.0 Beta 6 is out.
Highlisghts: Now [adsr~] has an extra outlet that can be useful to turn
audio processing on and off! Use it in your polyphonic synths, with clone,
and save on processing conveniently! Check its help file.
And now something I'm really happy about. We now have a keyboard GUI object
in deken for everyone to enjoy (thanks to Flavio Luiz Schiavoni
This is the only keyboard GUI object available for all platforms in deken,
and the only one I know that can take external MIDI input!
Get else 1.0 beta 6 via deken or here:
https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases Report bugs here:
Other release notes are:
- [trigger~] and [togedge~] have been deleted and sort of combined into a
new object named [past~];
- more new objects: [gatehold~], [gate2imp~] (now we have a total of 155
- [e] object fixed
- [setdsp~] has now an inlet and outlet
- [display] can now display the selector
Pd-announce mailing list
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to announce the First International Faust Conference
(IFC-18)! We look forward to see you in Mainz this summer.
Romain Michon
CCRMA, Stanford University
[Apologies for cross posting, please circulate widely.]
1st International Faust Conference - Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
(Germany), July 17-18, 2018
The International Faust Conference (IFC-18: http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de)
will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg University
<http://www.uni-mainz.de/> of Mainz (Germany) on July 17-18, 2018. It aims
at gathering developers and users of the Faust programming language
<http://faust.grame.fr/> to present current projects and discuss future
directions for Faust and its community.
Participants will be able to share their work through paper presentations.
A series of round tables on various topics will serve as a platform to
brainstorm on Faust's features, semantics, tools, applications, etc. to
determine future directions for this language. Open spaces for demos and
workshops will be available for participants to openly share their ongoing
projects with the rest of the community.
As a special event, the winner of GRAME's Faust Open-Source Software
Competition will be announced during IFC-18.
IFC-18 is free and everyone is welcome to attend!
*Call for Papers*
We welcome submissions from academic, professional, independent
programmers, artists, etc. We solicit original papers centered around the Faust
programming language <http://faust.grame.fr/> in the following categories:
- Original research
- Technology tutorial
- Artistic project report (e.g., installation, composition, etc.)
Paper should be up to 14 pages in length, non anonymous, and formatted
according to this template
<http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de/misc/IFC-18-templates.zip>. *Submissions
should be carried out via our EasyChair portal
All submissions are subject to peer review. Acceptance may be conditional
upon changes being made to the paper as directed by reviewers.
Accepted papers will be published on-line as well as in the IFC-18
proceedings paper version. They will be presented by their author(s) at
IFC-18 as 15 minutes presentations (+ 5 minutes for questions).
Feel free to contact us if you have any question.
*Important Dates*
- Papers submission deadline: March 2, 2018
- Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2018
- Camera-Ready Version: June 1, 2018
*Call for Round Table Topics*
A series of round tables on the following themes will take place both
afternoons of IFC-18:
- Faust Tools (e.g., Architectures, IDE, Faust Code Generator, On-Line
Services, etc.)
- DSP in Faust and Faust Libraries (e.g., New Algorithms, New Libraries,
Missing Functions, etc.)
- Faust Compiler and Semantics
- Other Topics/Open Session
We solicit topic suggestions from the Faust community for each of these
themes. Topics can be submitted by means of this Google form
<https://goo.gl/forms/0fBYxk28jlRdtqRM2>. They will be introduced during
the round tables by the session chair.
Please, address your questions to: ifc18(a)muwiinfa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de
Conference website: http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de
Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email: aggraef(a)gmail.com
WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
Dear Piksel friends, here is the PIKSEL17 -- We Take EmoCoin! workshops
Please feel free to spread the word to your friends. Have a nice day!
Piksel Team.
PIKSEL17 We Take EmoCoin!
The 15th annual Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies
- Wokshops
- November 13st-16th, Bergen (NO)
- http://17.piksel.no
The 15th edition of the Piksel Festival takes place in Bergen (NO)
November 16th- 18th 2017. We Take EmoCoin! The Piksel17 festival slogan
points out to the new capital: our emotions. The interest of the human
beings can be captured through emotions, and therefore can be
monetized. Emotions has become the new coin. Emotions can be measured,
monitorized and monetized in almost real time. Together with our use of
social networks, technology is also investing in bio-sensing the body,
using small components and microcontrollers we can collect our
bio-data. So, we ourselves with our public online behaviour and our
stored bio-signals, visualized and interfaced, create a direct link
between emotions and money.
PIKSEL17 – We Take EmoCoin!
Workshops Programme:
All workshops are free to attend.
To sign up send an email to:prod(at)piksel(dot)no
BioSIGNAL Sensing Workshop by Cristian Delgado
16th Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 14:00-18:00
In this workshop the participants are going to use small components and
microcontrolers to make biosignal sensors, to record pulse, muscle and
cardiac activity to conect it to instruments and visuals, working with
the sense plants response, electromiography and oxygen in blood to
control both visuals and audio software with body signals and
interaction between bodies. The result is a colective exhibition made
by the participants and the invited artist.
Bergen PD Meeting
16th Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 14:00-16:00
PureData is an open source visual programming language for music and
multimedia creation, oftenly used by composers, performers, software
designers, researchers and artists to create performances and
installations. This first PD meeting will try to gather the Bergen PD
community around regular meetings in order to discuss and learn about
PD, what it is, how do we see or use it, but also a place to discuss
about electronic music and open-source culture. The meeting is run by
artist and composer Arthur Hureau with the support of Piksel.
From E-waste to Sound Device by Toni Quiroga
17h Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 11:00-18:00
During this workshop you will learn how to turn parts of e-waste and
trash into functional primitive sound devices. Through the vivisection
of dead media devices you will learn how to extract valuable components
(like motors, VU meters, integrated circuits, transistors and other raw
materials) and reuse them in order to build a primitive and
idiosyncratic instrument. We will build fully recycled electronic
gadgets powered through alternative and ecologically sustainable
methods integrating our own body residuals into the process (if you
want to). The idea is to get a better understanding of new media
through the excavation of the old and obsolete by highlighting the
nonlinear history within those devices.
The Praxis LIVE - Hybrid Visual IDE for Live Creative Coding by Neil C.
Smith 17h Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 14:00-17:00
Praxis LIVE is an innovative and powerful new way to work with OpenJDK
and tools like Processing. It is a way to create projections,
interactive spaces, custom AV instruments, or live-coding performances.
The workshop will introduce basic project building and patching with
Praxis LIVE. The participants will be able to continue to experiment
with visual patching, or learn how to "drop down" to the built-in code
editor and live recode components using Processing / Java or OpenGL.
They will be able to explore Praxis LIVE's support for physical
computing, including prebuilt integration with TinkerForge open
hardware, or GPIO on the Raspberry Pi. www.praxislive.org
A Recipe for Destruction: Secure Hardware Data Erasure by Nikita Mazurov
18h Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 11:00-13:00
This workshop propose the question that how securely delete data
nowdays has become an important thing. Exists a huge number of software
solutions which advocate wholesale drive encryption, but software
solutions are woefully inadequate for the task. So this piece propose a
demonstration of a pragmatic hardware solution: secure device
destruction via open source recipes. Will demonstrate and walk
attendees through creating homemade recipes to securely get rid of
their devices, whether tablets, laptops, phones, or even desktops. The
ultimate goal of this non-traditional workshop is to illustrate that
for our digital data to truly become 'renewable' it must be liberated
from the prison of the physical form, exorcised from the demon of the
hard drive.
Sonified Textiles by Paola Torres Nuñez del Prado
18h Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 14:00-18:00
The Shipibo-Konibo, from the Peruvian rainforest, openly link their
traditional singing (Ikaros) to the designs they draw on vessels and
their bodies, and the textiles they use as decoration and clothing.
They consider that their designs can be sung.
The workshop includes an introduction to various sonification methods,
ranging from databending to code, using different open-source softwares
(Audacity, Gimp, Hex editor) and programming platforms for mapping
sounds on visual data (images and video). An explanation on how glitch
is related to the designs behind the artworks from Paracas Culture from
Perú, the Chincheros Textile Masters from Cusco, and the Shipibo-Konibo.
Biotransmissions by Colectivo Electrobiota
18h Nov
Building: Piksel Studio 207
Date: 14:00-18:00
An experiment with electronics and biology seeking to explore different
forms of interspecies communication and relationship with nature.
Introduction to biointeractivity and electronics to build our own
biosensor that will allow us to make latent the potential voices of the
different forms of life that inhabit the rhizosphere.
Vector Synthesis by Derek Holzer
November 27 – November 29
Date: 14:00-20:00
VECTOR SYNTHESIS is an audiovisual, computational art project using
sound synthesis and vector graphics display techniques to investigate
the direct relationship between sound+image. It draws on the historical
work of artists such as Mary Ellen Bute, John Whitney, Nam June Paik,
Ben Laposky, and Steina & Woody Vasulka among many others, as well as
on ideas of media archaeology and the creative re-use of obsolete
technologies. Audio waveforms control the vertical and horizontal
movements as well as the brightness of a single beam of light, tracing
shapes, points and curves with a direct relationship between sound and
image. http://macumbista.net/?page_id=5000
Pd-announce mailing list
I did 4 updates this month because of a course I'm teaching, which ends
now, so I'm gonna drop this for a while, sorry for polluting with so many
updates. Anyway, it's up on deken already, and here are some details:
Pd-announce mailing list
Hi list,
A new release of Purr Data is available:
Please report bugs to
* fixed freeze when flooding the Pd window with messages
* fixed array tick label positioning
* fix array trace line thickness so it is always visible
* send correct pointer for data structure array element event callbacks
* only redraw affect data structure array element when updating a field for [draw array]
NIME 2018 Call for submissions
Please pardon the cross-posting,
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) is the premier conference
in human-machine interfaces and interactions for musical performance.
NIME is a gathering of researchers, designers, musicians, who come
together to share knowledge, perform music, and build community through
research presentations, concerts, installations, and workshops.
On behalf of the 2018 NIME Committee I am pleased to announce that the
NIME 2018 "Mirrored Resonances" Conference call for submissions is now
officially open! Co-organized between Virginia Tech and the University
of Virginia, the conference will take place June 3-6, 2018 in
Blacksburg, Virginia. We welcome submissions of papers, posters, panels,
musical performances, installations, demos, and workshops, particularly
those that may respond to the overarching conference theme of “Mirrored
Resonances” and its thematic areas in any of the many ways they might be
interpreted. Likewise, we encourage potential participants to consider
exploring the unique Virginia Tech facilities, including the Institute
for Creativity, Arts, and Technology’s Cube with a massive high density
loudspeaker array. The deadline for the *double-blind peer reviewed
submissions*, including papers, panels, demo papers, music, and
installations is January 20th, 2018. Submissions created by January 20th
will continue to be editable until January 27th when the submission
process will close. Demos without paper and workshops will be *curated
*and have an extended submission deadline until March 1st, 2018. In
addition to the NIME and academic communities, we also invite industry,
as well as non-academic creatives to consider participating in the
aforesaid categories. For a complete list of important dates visit the
Participate <http://nime2018.icat.vt.edu/Participation/#dates> page.
We are excited to announce that the conference will feature four keynote
*Onyx Ashanti**
**Benjamin Knapp**
**Ikue Mori**
**Pamela Z*
If interested in sponsorship opportunities please do not hesitate to
contact us
On behalf of the entire NIME 2018 Committee, we look forward to
welcoming you in Virginia next June!
Go to the website
NIME2018.ORG <http://nime2018.org>
Facebook <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-y/>
Twitter <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-j/>
Instagram <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-t/>
Website <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-l-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-i/>
Moss Arts Center
190 Alumni Mall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Like <http://virginiatech.cmail19.com/t/j-fb-otlirdl-ydiykltyik-d/>
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Pd-announce mailing list