Pd-list February 2015

  • 72 participants
  • 71 discussions

12 Mar '15
Updating Pd-Extended
by João Pais 05 Mar '15

05 Mar '15
9 11
0 0
bandlimited wavetables for pd vanilla
by Claude Heiland-Allen 02 Mar '15

02 Mar '15
high channel count audio output on the cheap?
by Chris Chronopoulos 01 Mar '15

01 Mar '15
pd-extended on Fedora 21
by Felix Homann 28 Feb '15

28 Feb '15
5 11
0 0
Re: [PD] "spigot~"
by Dan Wilcox 24 Feb '15

24 Feb '15
mixer implementation
by Alexandros Drymonitis 24 Feb '15

24 Feb '15
IP cam to GEM
by Csaba Láng 24 Feb '15

24 Feb '15
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