Hi there,
not sure whether I can make out the forest for the trees after x hours of fiddling…
What would be the best way to send data (one way) from several iPads to one master patch on PC, connected adhoc wireless?
So far I tried only with one iPad, used MobMuPlat and simple ‚netsend' / ‚netreceive'. For one iPad it worked pretty fine! Now I wonder what about several iPads. Can’t test before Monday, but I would like to prepare everything before…
The idea is several people use the iPads as interfaces to manipulate a master patch on a PC connected to interface, several speakers etc…
They do not have to get any feedback from master patch. Data flows only one way.
MobMuPlat does not take ‚packOSC‘. Would ‚LANdini‘ be better for several iPads (could not get it running so far. still trying…) Or is there something else?
Any experiences?
Thanx & Best!