Pd-list February 2013

  • 106 participants
  • 200 discussions
[PD-announce] LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference - Deadline Extension
by IOhannes m zm??lnig - LAC 2013 Organizing Team 02 Feb '13

02 Feb '13
Versions of PD for RPI
by me.grimm 02 Feb '13

02 Feb '13

02 Feb '13

01 Feb '13
7 16
0 0
Using Xapian for the Pd Search Plugin
by Jonathan Wilkes 01 Feb '13

01 Feb '13
3 14
0 0
by Anas Ghrab 01 Feb '13

01 Feb '13
5 19
0 0

01 Feb '13
4 13
0 0

01 Feb '13
changing timestamp of noteout midi message
by Panagiotis Melidis 01 Feb '13

01 Feb '13
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