Pd-list January 2012

  • 104 participants
  • 158 discussions
Re: [PD] Wiimote and MotionPlus on Linux
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 04 Jan '12

04 Jan '12
Randomly coloured particles
by Antonio Roberts 04 Jan '12

04 Jan '12
Re: [PD] no pd??
by hans w. koch 04 Jan '12

04 Jan '12
pd64 debian lots of errors
by brandt@subnet.at 03 Jan '12

03 Jan '12
puredata.org not available
by rolf meesters 03 Jan '12

03 Jan '12
porting vade shaders collection to Pd
by Marco Donnarumma 03 Jan '12

03 Jan '12
5 11
0 0
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