I'm using a shader with a texture which is the output of a [pix_contrast].
On Mac (and only on Mac) with values of contrast > 1 for pix_contrast,
the black pixels have slightly negative r/g/b component values!! I don't
know how that is even possible!!!
That is, in the fragment shader:
uniform sampler2DRect mytex;
float x=gl_TexCoord[0].s;
float y=gl_TexCoolr[0].t
vec txcolor=texture2DRect(mytex,vec2(x,y))
The red, green and blue components of txcolor turn out to be (small)
negative numbers for the pixels that are supposed to be black.
I can test it in a number of ways, for example:
This should only produce grey pixels, but instead, the should-be-black
pixels are of a dark red, because the red component of the original
image is slightly negative.
How is it even possible that a texture has negative components?
Is there a bug in pix_contrast on Mac? But even if there is, I cannot
understand how a negative rgb component value can even get through to
the shader program...
Has anybody ever experienced this before?