I'm trying to figure out the correct way to send control data to the
svf plug
following how [plugin~] is supposed to work:
> the message is:
> "port <symbol:direction> <symbol:type> <symbol:name> <float:lowerlimit>
> <float:upperlimit>"
> with <symbol:direction> being either "in" or "out"
> with <symbol:type> being "control" or "audio"
> with <symbol:name> being the name of the port (e.g. "Amplitude random
> (%)")
> and lower/upperlimit define the valid range of the value.
> for controlling, you use "control <symbol:name> <float:value>"
> <symbol:name> is not case-sensitive, and it tries to find a simple match.
> e.g. "Amplitude random (%)" can be controlled with "amp" or "AMPLItude"
> or "Amplitude random (%)".
> it will take the first port that matches, so if you have parameters
> "FrequencyUpper" and "FrequencyLower", then "freq" will match
> "FrequencyUpper", in order to control the other param you have to use at
> least "frequencyl"
in the terminal 'analyseplugin' for svf reveals this:
Plugin Name: "State Variable Filter"
Plugin Label: "svf"
Plugin Unique ID: 1214
Maker: "Steve Harris <steve(a)plugin.org.uk>"
Copyright: "GPL"
Must Run Real-Time: No
Has activate() Function: Yes
Has deativate() Function: No
Has run_adding() Function: Yes
Environment: Normal or Hard Real-Time
Ports: "Input" input, audio, -1 to 1
"Output" output, audio, -1 to 1
"Filter type (0=none, 1=LP, 2=HP, 3=BP, 4=BR, 5=AP)" input, control,
0 to 5, default 0, integer
"Filter freq" input, control, 0 to 6000, default 440
"Filter Q" input, control, 0 to 1, default 0.25
"Filter resonance" input, control, 0 to 1, default 0
I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly to send the plug
I tried sending 'type' 'filter_type' filtertype' and other combinations
for "Filter type" but it doesn't seem to like anything I try
*error: plugin~: plugin doesn't have a control input port named "type"*
ditto on 'Q' and 'resonance' although 'filter' seems to be accepted for
can you point me to where in the code I might find out the correct
syntax for a particular LADSPA plug?