> I'm using Pd version 0.42.5-extended-20100428 and Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 :-)
> Am 2010-04-28 20:07, schrieb Thomas Holzmann:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using the latest pd-extended and have display problems when using
>> pd on a screen which is set to 120 dpi. Then most of the texts don't
>> fit into the boxes. When I change the screen to 96 dpi everything
>> works fine.
>> I assume that's a problem with tk scaling!?
>> Does someone know a solution for this?
On Fedora/CCRMA I use the following stupid wrapper (it's a hack).
shopt -s -o monitor
xrdb -merge /usr/local/lib/pd_fonthelper
/usr/bin/pd $@ &
sleep 1
xrdb -merge /etc/X11/Xresources
fg 1
pd_fonthelper is just:
Xft.dpi: 72
Obviously you would change this to fit whatever dpi was working for you before.
I also had to comment out some lines in pd.tk which test for 8.5 and
change font size accordingly; once I did, all my Pd font problems
melted away.