I tried different solution to create movies from Gem generated tif
The simplest way i found is based on use of the "transcode" command line
I would like to share my notes, some command line, to help (maybe) others.
Encode with "transcode" (a linux commandline tool) a tif sequence
generated from GEM [pix_write]
1) set pix_write to put all tif (max quality) in a folder and start record
|file ./myfolder/mybasename 00(
2) close pd
3) open a terminal, cd in the folder and create a textfile with the list
of tif
cd myfolder
find . -type f -name '*.tif' | sort > filelist
4) encode with "transcode": some setting:
- using ffmpeg with mjpeg compression (loss result)
transcode --use_rgb -i filelist -y ffmpeg=RGB,null -F mjpeg -o
od_ffmpeg_mjpeg_25fk.mov --export_fps 25,3 -z -g 720x576 -x
imlist=RGB,null --hard_fps -k
- using the same compression invoking quicktime for linux (same result)
transcode -i filelist -y mov=RGB,null -F ffmpeg_mjpg -o
od_mov_ffmpeg_mjpg.mov --export_fps 25,3 -g 720x576 -x imlist=RGB,null
--hard_fps --use_rgb
- the same but dv compression (better result)
transcode -i filelist -y mov=RGB,null -F ffmpeg_dv_pal -o
od_mov_ffmpeg_pal.mov --export_fps 25,3 -g 720x576 -x imlist=RGB,null
--hard_fps --use_rgb
- compression dv (no ffmpeg)
transcode -i filelist -y mov=RGB,null -F dv_pal -o od_mov_dv_pal.mov
--export_fps 25,3 -g 720x576 -x imlist=RGB,null --hard_fps --use_rgb
- compressiond dv (without qt)
transcode -i filelist -y dv=RGB,null -o od_dv.mov --export_fps 25,3
-g 720x576 -x imlist=RGB,null --hard_fps --use_rgb
- xvid compression (default xvid settings)
transcode -i filelist -y xvid4=RGB,null -o od_xvid.mov --export_fps
25,3 -g 720x576 -x imlist=RGB,null --hard_fps --use_rgb -k
Note: some command line require the -k option that swap the rgb value,
some others require the -z option that flip the result
hope help