Sorry, i forgot to send this mesage to the list.
Le 30 janv. 09 à 18:02, Jack a écrit :
> Hello,
> Le 30 janv. 09 à 17:39, Oded Ben-Tal a écrit :
>>> 1)
>>> When i click on [100(, [netreceive 1] or [udpreceive] receive only
>>> numbers between 48 and 69, so there is 78 number drop ! I know
>>> this a
>>> UDP protocol but my network is very simple (and i think there is not
>>> a lot of perturbations on it). It is normal ?
>>> 2)
>>> The other problem is strange for me :
>>> Why it is only numbers between 48 and 69 that arrive on the host B
>>> and not numbers between 34 and 56 or something else ? It's always
>>> the
>>> same TPDU that are lost ? Strange no ?
>> No direct answer but what happens when instead of sending 0-100
>> you send 101-200?
> Sending numbers between 101-200 from host A, i get numbers between
> 149-170 or 150-170 on host B (so it is not always the same
> numbers :). So there is no real difference :(.
>> (One possible problem is if somehow the numbers get treated as
>> ascii or some other format in the process. This happened to me
>> when conneting two computers but in my case the receiving computer
>> wasn't using pd. which is why I doubt your problem is the same.)
>> I would also try using int instead of float (udp want integers).
>> Again this shouldn't make any difference but who knows?
> It shouldn't, i think. However, no difference.
> Thanx.
> ++
> Jack